I have some of my work just below. I hope it shows the years of experience I have working as a graphic artist here in Austin, Texas. Most of the pieces here are in vector form but sometimes I do have a composite. Let me help you design your next project! Feel free to call or email me if you have any questions. Thanks!
The canopy at Packery Channel in Corpus. It’s about three hundred yards from the actual beach, where the waves are breaking but only a few yards from the channel, where most fishermen cast their lines. I usually come here for the shade, there’s no shade anywhere at the beach unless you brought it with you. The parking lot is also paved where you can you can wash your feet before you enter your vehicle. I hate tracking sand in my car because it means I have to vacuum – the beach is three and a half hours away from where I live.
This vintage truck was parked not too far from where I used to do my laundry. The laundry mat that has always been there before all these new structures are built. I don’t remember the name. It didn’t need it back then. It was just there before I moved here. This truck also is gone. Like most things, nothing last for ever even when it’s beautiful.
I remember when this was the cut off line- that if you lived north of this building, you might as well live in south Dallas. It was still manageable to live central back then. I never lived in the eastside but mostly around Hyde Park. Kim Phoung is just across the street. It used to be better and we use to get pho there from time to time. I wouldn’t go there now.
Some of my favorite movies. It’s too bad they closed. Austin to used to be an after thought within an after thought. Nothing was ever planned. We just rode the wave where it was leading us. I suppose the wave fizzled out and there’s no option but to head back out. I am optimistic we will catch another wave!
Bring Beer! That’s the tag line for Trailer Space Records on Rosewood off east 11th street. I’ve spent a good amount of time at this place when it was open. Mainly because my friends played music there and it was free. It’s always good to see familiar faces when there’s nothing going on. Trailer Space was more of a community center than just a business. It’s a place for people to feel welcome!
I’m not vegetarian but both of my sisters were growing up. I’ve only been to this restaurant a handful of times before they closed during the height of the pandemic. It’s been years, way before this building was built- before the original building caught on fire. I have friends that worked here for years and years. I still need to give them a copy of this drawing.
One more try means we’re never leaving. I skated throughout high school. I was not very good. We skated this ditch called The Cop Ditch. My favorite move was railslide to fakey which means I came off backwards. The ditch is no longer there but we have reunions with friends who were part of that community. We’re meeting in Galveston next year!
I normally do not like to inundate the reader with too much information on the first panel but commercial art is a compromise. Here, I used style sheets to easily change colors, fonts, and spacing to find balanced and flow in the composition.
A Middle Eastern inspired menu. I am an organizer of information. I cut them into digestible pieces so the audience do not get overwhelmed with what is being presented.
My sister used to live in San Francisco. I went a few years back where I snapped this photo. My friends and I attended a music festival there which feature John Waters as the MC. We were coming out of the Golden Gate Park after a little hike and we’re waiting for our Uber when this opportunity came along.
Andy Warhol is synonym to Pop Art. He also started as an illustrator and a commercial artist. He was the reason why Nico was in The Velvet Underground. He was one of the pillars in the New York City art scene. He silk screened, film, photograph and frequented Max’s Kansas City where the New York Dolls and the Ramones played. A true Legend.
Jazz has four note chords instead of three- it has so much more color and emotions than the basic way of playing. I wish I was exposed to it sooner. Louis Armstrong has a museum in Queens, NY. Hopefully I can visit there soon. Maybe even go to the US Open!
My car broke down over a month ago and I was riding my bike and the bus for almost two weeks- they could not find the part that I needed. It felt very urban and I needed to be more organized with my planning if I wanted to go anywhere other than my place of work. I didn’t really mind it but for the time it took to do anything. I live near a major road and with my bike, I was able to go up and down Austin pretty easily. The display at these stops tells you when the buses are coming- it’s very convenient!
Siouxie was my favorite band. She was part of the Bromley Contingent. I wanted my band to sound like hers. Robert Smith joined her band after their drummer and guitar player quit after their first album. It might have been on their first tour. She has lots of imitators in either genders.
This is my grandmother! This illustration was based on a Glamour Shot photograph. They were in every mall back when I was young. There’s probably an app that can achieve the same effect instead of my hours of toil deconstructing an image. I enjoyed making it and made it as a gift to my mom and aunt.
Made this for a friend. I still really love hand writing. Both my parents and siblings have great style. I hope it makes a resurgence, I can barely read peoples handwriting these days. In a way it’s job security but making a menu from a handwritten piece is painful than it has to be.
I learned about Hilma af Klint while making this logo. It was the inspiration for it. It is very literal but I think it was what my client was looking for. We went with foil stamping when we printed her business cards. That metallic look against a black background conveys elegance and sophistication.
I also find beauty in the mundane. The container itself is beautiful and useful but what is important is what you put inside the trash can- like selfishness, wastefulness, or ignorance.
It’s now called Thirteenth Floor! I am glad it’s back and open again. Friends of mine are actually part owners and they are also musicians that grew up here in Austin. It’s is much nicer now- I would not call it a dive bar anymore though. I just think technology caught up with everything. Ideas are circulating much faster and prices are being challenged- except for beer. Beer is just ridiculously expensive. Its probably better, so people would not become alcoholic. It is such a bad habit.
I wish I have woken up earlier and venture out after the snow storm. Everything looked so surreal and magical. I walked to HEB and snapped this photograph. Everything was glisteningly white. I wore the snow boots my mother gave me for the first time- the soles came off a few months afterwards. I had to glue them back on. I am still hesitant to wear them. I like the way they look but they are poorly made.